Welcome to Freespoken
Ep. 01

Welcome to Freespoken

Episode description

Welcome to Freespoken — “free” as in “freedom”, “spoken” as in “speech”.

This is a collection of podcasts of free cultural spoken-word audio recordings, hosted at https://freespoken.nz/

Bible radio is based on Gloria Wall’s lectionary-based reading plan, which you can find at http://www.wall.org/~gloria/lect/

The translations it uses are:

Bible radio also has its own XMPP channel: bible-radio@groups.freespoken.nz

Verses is another Freespoken podcast — public domain poems by me, based on Bible passages.

Subscribe to this Announcements podcast for news about any future additional Freespoken podcasts. The intention is that all Freespoken podcasts will meet the definition of “Free Cultural Works”, which you can find at https://freedomdefined.org/Definition

No chapters are available for this episode.