Don’t fret about your clothes and food,
and whether they’ll suffice.
Or is your body made of clothes,
your life just bread and rice?
The birds don’t farm and store in barns;
your Father feeds them all.
And aren’t you worth much more than them?
Can worry make you tall?
The wild flowers do no work,
but look at how they’re dressed!
Compare the most expensive clothes;
the flowers look the best.
And if your Father dresses plants
so soon to be mown down,
then think how much He cares for you!
No need to fret and frown.
Don’t worry “Will we have enough
to eat and drink and wear?”
Unfaithful people ask these things,
but you don’t need to care.
Your Father knows the things you need,
so put His Kingdom first
and live the way He says you should;
He’ll satisfy your thirst.
Don’t fret about tomorrow yet;
you’ve got enough to do.
The troubles of a day suffice
without another’s, too.